Be true to your sense
then Universe will be on your side
Yasuo Nakayama, Ise training center Foundation
I had a call from Kakko-chan when Miyapu had brain stem hemorrhage.
She said to me,”Please help!” I said, “How is he? What’s his condition?”
Then she said, “The pupils of the eyes are dilated and he cannot even breathe without help.” I said to her, “Don’t worry, Kakko-chan. He’ll be how he should be.
Let the universe be at the helm.” Kakko-chan, however started crying and said, “No, no, I can’t do that. I don’t want him to go,” There was nothing I could do but to pray then.
So, I said to her, “Let’s pray together.”
Now, by looking at him recovering day by day, I am certain that when there is a will there is a way.
Cleanse your thoughts
Raise your wish
Deepen your prayer
Be true to your sense
Then universe will be on your side.
I am sure everyone’s sense and will be at the helm of this project.
I sincerely would like to support you all.
Yasuo Nakayama, Ise training center Foundation
Profile of Yasuo Nakayama
Born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1940.
After graduated from faculty of Politics and Economics of Gakushuin University, Mr. Nakayama Joined Shuyodan (SYD).
After becoming a lecturer In 1965, he served as an executive board member as well as director of Ise Youth Training Center. In the meantime, Mr. Nakayama took a role as a member of Japanese team for Olympics World Youth Camp, the leader of the lecturers for Tokai area steering committee of Japan Junior Chamber/"The Ship for the Youth", and the leader of the Japan-Korea Youth Exchange. Currently he serves for SYD as a senior advisor.
In 2000, he won the 2000 Distinguished Service Award in Social Education by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture. As the chairperson of the lecturers' association, he provides with guidance at Ise Dojo, and delivers lecturers at Japan Junior Chamber, Women's clubs, PTAs and other private companies nationwide. Mr. Nakayama appears in a TV program "TV Teragoya (old temple school)" on a regular basis shown on Fuji Television Network.
SYD was established in 1906 by Monzou Hasunuma (the 1st chairperson). As the oldest Japanese NPO designated for social education with the concept of "love and sweat" at its core, SYD has been making a contribution in continuing education.